Party Patrol Rentals LLC

Party Patrol Rentals LLC

172 College Highway, Southampton, Massachusetts, 01073, United States     (413) 230-0596     (860) 265-4869

  7 Days a Week 8am -8pm

Dunk Tanks

Kids and adults enjoy a good dunking. We are sure that guests from all over western mass and northern ct will be thrilled to see the dunk tank at your party. We pride ourselves on our great customer service, and to serve our customers better we offer full day rentals instead of just a few hours like our competitors. We have the lowest rental prices in the area so we are sure you will be happy with the quality products, great customer service and awesome prices we here at Party Patrol Rentals have for you.

Rest assured that all of our rental units including our dunk tanks are durable and are in top condition. Setup is easy but it does take 1-2 hours to fill depending on the water pressure so keep this in mind. the dunk tanks can accommodate individuals that weigh up to 250 pounds.

It is also important to note that the renter is supplies the water and fills the tank as well as empties it before pickup. *for safety only ages 12 and up can sit on the dunk seat. Along with our bounce houses the dunk tank is perfect for any size crowd or for any event.

  SKU Product Price
INV547 Black Dunk Tank PLEASE CALL
INV546 Red Dunk Tank PLEASE CALL