Party Patrol Rentals LLC

Party Patrol Rentals LLC

172 College Highway, Southampton, Massachusetts, 01073, United States     (413) 230-0596     (860) 265-4869

  7 Days a Week 8am -8pm

Elite/Hexagon Tents

Tent rentals in MA has a wide variety of tents to choose from. It is always a great idea to have a tent to shade your guests from the hot summer heat or protect them from any random rain storms.

We also have numerous options for the tents, such as globe lighting, which provides accent lighting if you plan to party late into the night. We can also provide sides for either style of tent.

*Our Hexagon tent can have 20x20 elite tents added on for extra space to accomidate guests, dancefloors, stages, djs, and many other possiblilties. Please call us to add these on (413)230-0596.

Elite/Hexagon Tent Lighting Accessories and Tent Sides
  SKU Product Price
XYZ181 20x20 Elite Tent $19.99 (Save 95%)
XYZ180 Elite Hexagon Tent PLEASE CALL