12x20 Tent

12x20 Tent

How many guests fit under a 12x20 standard tent rental? You can easily fit 4 tables and 24 chairs under the tent so a party of 24 guests would be perfect for this size tent. Many of our customers use the standard tent rentals for private parties, birthday and anniversary celebrations, family and class reunions and they are also popular for auctions and fairs. While booking your tent rentals for your party think about what accessories you will need to go along with your tent such as tables and chairs, and also tent lighting to illuminate the tent at night. The tables come in banquet style or round style and we have globe lighting or rope lighting. You can rent our stackable plastic style chairs in white or tan or our standard white folding chairs. The 12x20 standard tent rentals has solid sides and white poles. The tent is white in color.

Space required 16'X24'
Price of water barrels per tent with a pavement setup $125
Space required 16'X24'
Price of water barrels per tent with a pavement setup $125
Market Price: $295.99
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White Folding Chair

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