20x20 Elite Tent

20x20 Elite Tent

We a wide variety of tents to choose from. It is always a great idea to have a tent to shade your guests from the hot summer heat or protect them from any random rain storms. We have elite and standard styles to choose from, both are great options. With such affordable prices, we have the size and style to suit any budget and need. Your guests at your party will be more than happy you rented a tent for your event to keep them dry and cool.

We also have numerous options for the tents, such as globe lighting, which provides accent lighting if you plan to party late into the night. We can also provide sides for either style of tent.

Space required 24'X24'
Price of water barrels per tent with a pavement setup $125
Space required 24'X24'
Price of water barrels per tent with a pavement setup $125
Market Price: $399.99


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